Strengths and weaknesses of Vietnam economy

January 15, 2025-1 min-

Strengths and weaknesses of Vietnam economy, with a population of 100 millions and a GDP per capita of 4300 Usd/year in 2025, according to the evaluation of the french risk committee on trade.


  • One of the fastest growing economies in the region
  • Beneficiary of the US-China trade war, as well as de-risking strategies
  • Large labor pool and low wage costs
  • Development strategy based on upgrading production and diversification from footwear, clothing and furniture to electronics: manufacturing industry accounts for 25% of GDP
  • Development of fish and shellfish production
  • Dynamic tourism sector
  • Strong agricultural potential
  • Good endowment of natural resources, particularly metals, rare earths, and energy
  • Strongly integrated into world trade (18 multilateral and bilateral free trade agreements)


  • Business climate gaps related to data transparency, perception of corruption and still burdensome bureaucracy
  • Dependence on Chinese supply chains, particularly in the electronics sector
  • Incomplete public sector reforms, with high debt levels of state-owned enterprises
  • Shortage of skilled workers
  • Dependence on coal (45% of energy consumed in 2022)
  • Absence of large Vietnamese companies
  • Insufficient infrastructure
  • Growing inequality
  • Fragility of the banking system
  • Dependence on Chinese supply chains
[Editor’s Note] :  The main weakness is the total control of the Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) on vietnam society, which brake all private initiative which could be a threat to the power of the VCP. This main weakness has a sound negative impact in favor of bureaucracy, corruption, inequality, abuse of human rights.


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